Get Happy Week Wishes Messages

Get Happy Week Wishes Messages
Always be Happy, always wear a smile, Not because life is full of reasons to smile but because your smile itself is a reason for many others to smile..
Smile in ease, Smile in pain, Smile when trouble, pour like rain, smile when someone hurt ur feelings, smiles you know are very hailing…
Simple music can make you sing, A simple hug can make you feel better, Simple things can make you happy. Hope my simple Hi…!!! Will make you smile
We all live with the objective of being happy, our lives are all different and yet the same.

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Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
Cute lines..!! Don’t Depress urself in any moment of life. Live it with a face full of smile. Y waste time crying when u know u r here just for a while…!
Shakespeare said don’t worry! because if u r worried u get a wrinkle, So why don’t u smile & get a dimple. Always smile and be happy
A smile gives red color 2 ur cheeks, White 2 ur teeth, Pink color 2 ur lips, Silver color 2 ur eyes, So keep smiling & enjoy the colors of life

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Smile is a language of Love. Smile is a way to get success, Smile is to win the hearts. Smile improves ur personality. So, keep smiling
The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.
Smile is a bird Who flies from face to face May your lips give it a better nest So that? It may stay there Forever and Ever Keep Smiling!
Wonderful Combination in this World.. Heart & beats Night & Moon Music & Songs Roses & Love My costly SMS & ur totally free SMILE!

Get Happy Week Wishes Messges
Dreams makes everything possible, hope makes everything works, love makes everything beautiful, smile makes all the above keep smiling always. Get Happy Week
“A single lovable smile is a proper key for many solutions and many confusions…!” “So express your cute smile every moment”
Smile is not single is beautiful sentence. ‘s’=speak.’ ‘m’=more ‘i’=in’ ‘l’=less. ‘e’=energy. so always keep smiling.
Hi! am sending U a cheque of Rs. SMILE/- withdraw it whenever U R upset, otherwise keep it as a balance 4evr in ur life.., KEEP SMiLing..

Get Happy Week Wishes
Always be Happy, always wear a smile; Not because life is full of reasons to smile but because your smile itself is a reason for many others to smile. . . Get Happy Week
No one is born happy. But all of us are born with the ability to create happiness. So today, make others happy. Flash your sweetest smile. HAVE A DAY FULL OF SMILES
Of all the smiles you received today, there is a smile you didn’t receive. A smile not from the lips but from the heart, a smile that came from me to you.
When you smile it like a sunrise to me. and I want a daily sunrise in my life. so… so…. so….. so…… so keep S*M*I*L*I*N*G

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Thousands of languages around this world, but smile can beat them all.. coz, SMILE is the language even a baby can speak so… keep smiling
Dear Friends… Smile Every Morning Smile is ELECTRICITY and life is BATTERY.. whenever you smile, the Battery gets charged., and a Beautiful day is activated….. so…Keep Smiling Best Wishes..
Smile For The Ones You Love… A Simple Smile Is All It Takes To Make One Happy… Love Can Come In Many Different Ways, Shapes n Sizes … But A Simple Smile Will Conquer Everything … And Leave The Best Of Us Speechless … So smile always
Emotions don’t have words, Wishes don’t have scripts, If u smile, world is with u, Otherwise even a drop of tear doesn’t like to stay with u.. So keep smiling!!

Get Happy Week Messges
Everyone wants Happiness, No one wants Pain.. But its not possible to get Rainbow, Without its Rain.. That’s life! Keep smiling
A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. so, here’s a big smile for you telling you that you are appreciated
It is a S”imple” M”ind touching” I”nteractive” L”ong lasting” E”ffect which Wins the hearts. Yes.. Its your “SWEET SMILE” So Keep smiling always, good morning!
Light can replace darkness,Smile can replace sadness,Frnd can replace loneliness.But nothing can replace u.U r the best person of this world.So Keep smiling.

Get Happy Week Wish
Get Happy Week May Smile Be There In The World Forever! Try To Make An Effort For The Same. “A Smile Bring More Smiles So Always Keep Smiling To Spread Smile To Miles!”
In our life happiness is more important than smile cause smile comes from lips but happiness comes from the heart so BE HAPPY FOREVER
It’s 2 common 2 hear.. How R u? What’s going on..? how was the day? let us start with something different… Did U smile 2day.? if not, do it now..
A cup of coffee and a chat Can get one through the day Just a smile from warm, kind eyes Gives more than words can say
A SMILE is a Lighting system of FACE, Cooling System of HEAD heating System of HEART (“v”) “v” Sparking System of EYES, relaxing System of MIND so ” KEEP SMILE ”
Heart Can Skip Beats 4 a While Memories can be kept in a file A desert can replace the Nile But… Nothing can stop a smile when ur name appears on my mobile.
Sun glows for a day, Candle for a hour, Match stick for a minute, But a gud day glow for ever. So start ur day with a SMILE. HAVE A Nice DAY! And Keep Smiling