World Polio Day Messages Quotes

Happy World Polio Day Message Picture
“Don’t let polio hamper our future and our future generations… Don’t let polio affect the pace of our lives…. Happy World Polio Day to you.”
Get your children vaccinated and give them the gift of life by preventing polio. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.
Each and every step counts, so get vaccinated and stop polio on this day. Have a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.
A polio-free world is a gift for all the children around the globe for all the years to come. Raise awareness and take part in eradicating polio. Have a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.
Polio is at the brink of eradication and it is our duty to complete the job. Take a stand and help in eradication of polio on this day. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.

Warm Wishes On World Polio Day
“Polio has been a challenge to many lives but on World Polio Day, let us promise to throw it away from our lives….. Warm wishes on World Polio Day.”
Be well and take the oral vaccine for polio vaccine. Save your life. Have a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.
Only the people who are crazy enough to try to change the world are the ones that do. Take a part and help to eradicate polio. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.
Almost is not good enough. Eradication polio completely should be the goal. Have a very safe, happy and healthy World Polio Day.
Take bold steps to eradicate polio. Give life to children by eradicating polio. Wish you a very happy and healthy World Polio Day.

Happy World Polio Day Wish Pic
“Wishing a very Happy World Polio Day to you…. Together we can make this world polio free for the generations to come.”
On this occasion of World Polio Day remember to get a drop to stop the strop. Prevent polio and save lives. Happy World Polio Day.
Just two drops can help to save lives. Get your family, friends and children vaccinated to say and prevent polio. Have a safe, happy and healthy World Polio Day.
Ending and eradicating polio is a marathon, take apart and sprint to the finish. Have a very safe, happy and healthy World Polio Day.
Keep in sight an aim to spread awareness about creating a world with no polio. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day

Happy World Polio Day Quote Photo
“With each drop of polio, we are coming closer to the day when this world will be free from polio…. Wishing a very Happy World Polio Day.”
Take a stand and take a part in ending polio. Raise awareness and help everyone get immunization for polio. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.
Thank the unsung heroes who work every day to save lives by spreading awareness about vaccination on this day. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.
A polio-free world is a goal that you should work on. Raise awareness and help to prevent it on this day. Wish you a very safe, happy and healthy World Polio Day.
Make history on this 24th October by taking a stand and fighting against polio. Eradicate polio on this day. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.

Happy World Polio Day Message Pic
“We cannot do easy with polio because it has already taken many lives and already given many people a lot of pain…. Its time to bid it adieu…. Happy World Polio Day.”
Make this world a better, safer and healthier place to live by taking vaccination on time. Best wishes on this World Polio Day.
Save your child from polio, give them vaccination and gift them a healthier life. Wish you a very safe, Happy and healthy World Polio Day.
Don’t let a disease like polio steal the life of your children. Save them by getting them vaccinated on this day. Best wishes on this World Polio Day.
Fight the war, be safe. Raise awareness and get vaccinated to prevent polio. Wish you a very happy, safe and healthy World Polio Day.